Minggu, 04 Juni 2017

Getting to Know More Symptoms and Causes of Stroke

Stroke is a disease experienced by a person due to the supply of blood to the brain that suffered the disorder and death of brain nerve cells due to lack of blood flow.
There are two types of stroke, haemorrhagic stroke and ischemic stroke.
Haemorrhagic stroke is a rupture of blood vessels in the brain that causes bleeding. Rupture of blood vessels is generally caused by hypertension disease that causes strong pressure on the blood vessels.
Blood that burst from broken blood vessels, can damage the surrounding brain cells.
We must clean the blood-blood from the brain by surgery. While ischemic stroke is the blood flow to the brain blockage due to the fatty substances in the walls of blood vessels that accumulate.

Fatty substances that accumulate causes brain cells into nutritional deficiencies and oxygen. Before a stroke, will appear certain symptoms.
Stroke requires emergency medical (medical emergency) in the golden period (golden period) is maximum only lasts a few hours after the occurrence of stroke.
This is necessary to prevent the occurrence of permanent damage or more severe damage.
And if not dealt with, can even lead to death. Stroke is the third largest cause of death and the first in causing disability in adults in the United States and Europe.

Factors that increase the risk of stroke are: age, high blood pressure, previous stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking, atrial fibrillation, migraine with aura, and thrombophilia (prone to thrombosis).
Of all these factors the most easily controlled are high blood pressure and smoking. 80 percent of strokes can be avoided by the management of risk factors

Symptoms of Stroke

Here are some of the symptoms that we can recognize when a person starts a stroke:

1. The eye view starts to blur
2. Feeling dizzy and headache suddenly unknown what the reason
3. Stiffness or numbness in one part of the body only, the left or right. Starting from the face, hands and feet
4. Losing balance. When walking, always feel weak and staggered
5. Looks like a person dazed and confused when invited to communicate
6. Sudden loss of consciousness
7. Often nausea and vomiting. And body temperature increases

When a person starts experiencing the above symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor for further treatment and treatment.
Because as we know, stroke can be fatal and lead to death. Even strokes also become one of 10 dangerous and deadly diseases around the world.

Causes of Stroke

There are several causes of stroke that the author has summarized from various sources. Including the following :

1. Lack of consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables
2. Too often consume fatty foods, especially animal fats with a fairly high level
3. Stress
4. Lack of exercise
5. Heavy smokers
6. Easy to panic and irritability
7. Excessive alcohol consumption
8. Hypertension, obesity and diabetes
9. Heredity factors

Due to Stroke

Stroke disease will be very bad for the sufferer. Not only the problem of physical disability but also greatly affects the mental stroke sufferers themselves. The following will describe two types of disorders caused by stroke: physical disorders and mental disorders.
#Problems or physical breakdowns for example:
Having difficulty communicating
There is a significant change of facial shape for example the mouth becomes oblique
Unable to move legs or walk
Not able to take care of yourself, together
Difficulty to do the job
#While mental and psychological problems and disorders are:
Patients experience feelings of inferiority
Feeling embarrassed when having to meet with family, friends, or should be in the middle of the crowd
There is a difficult feeling in accepting the reality
The capacity to think together with intelligence decreases

How To Avoid Stroke Disease

After knowing the causes and symptoms of stroke, we must be careful of disease, choose food, and keep ourselves as good as possible in order to stay healthy and fit. In addition we must also prevent a person from stroke. There are several things to note, namely:

1. Eat healthy foods. Consumption of low-fat foods and avoid meat containing saturated fat
2. Keeping your weight to stay normal. If your body is obese, then the possibility of having a stroke is quite vulnerable
3. Routine check blood pressure. As much as possible avoid hypertension that became one cause of stroke
4. Reduce consumption of salt that can bind blood in the body
5. Avoiding the cause of cholesterol can also trigger the emergence of stroke
6. Eliminate bad habits mengomsumsi alcohol and cigarettes that can make blood clot

How To Treat Stroke Paralysis

This is actually what I wrote in my previous article, but that's why I'm going to write here how to practice stroke recovery.
Here are some of the most effective stroke recovery exercises to stretch the muscles so that when practicing move the limbs do not get injured, among others are:

• Assist stroke patients to train movements of the fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles. Make the initial movement of the patient trying to raise the arms and legs in bed. Avoid imposing a movement that exceeds the limit of the patient's ability. If they can not afford it, the psioterapist team or family members help move it.

• When there is a positive development, where the patient has been able to move his muscles better, then the next stroke recovery practice is to start to train supportive movement by practicing walking with a pedestal or stick

• When a stroke patient is able to move more actively despite sitting or sleeping conditions, subsequent stroke recovery exercises provide additional weight training in overcoming the burden and various obstacles that must be faced on the back and other limbs. Stroke recovery exercises that are run is very useful for exercising muscles with the motion of the limbs in daily activities, because the previous exercise is only useful to restore muscle capacity and limb motion.

• Once the leg strength has been obtained from the stroke recovery exercise above, the next step is coordination exercise, balance, and maintain stability for body movement. Exercise that is able to run is raising the feet, placing the heel on the other legs, shifting the legs, and exercise with the help of a ball that serves to maintain stability with balance when sitting and lifting.

• Exercise in water or swimming, for people who have difficulty in balancing weight is recommended. Water is able to provide buoyancy along with training sessions in the water is not too painful for example the other physiotherapy.

• A joint exercise of the rehabilitation process requires great diligence and dedication to do so is to increase the capacity of the brain or intelligence. Even in some cases the heavy stroke sufferers lose their memory. Then make help to restore the brain memory games can be given to people with stroke.

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